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Bible Study

Book of Daniel

Chapter 1 - 3


1. Who was the king of Judah during the first Babylonian  invasion?
VS. 1 _________________________________________________

2. What evidence shows that Daniel could have been a Eunuch?

3. What Prophet prophesized the invasion of Judah by the Babylonians?__________________________
    3-1 Give the scripture where this prophesy took place.

4. What is a Eunuch? 
     4-1 What was the duties of the Eunuch ? 

5. What was the name of the master Eunuch?__________________________ VS. 3
6.  What were the requirements for the children to be selected to go to Babylon?
VS. 4

7. What was the first step used to orientate Daniel and the Hebrew children to the life style of the Babylonians? VS. 5


8. Do you think Daniel was making a big issue out of a minor problem? VS. 8



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9.  What was the name of the Hebrew children?  VS 6


10. What was the Babylonian names given to these children ? VS 7


11. Why didn’t Daniel want to eat of the king’s meat and wine? VS. 8

12. What did Daniel purpose as an alternative to the king’s meat and wine? VS. 12 - 15


13. Who brought Daniel in favor of the prince of the eunuchs ?  VS. 9


14. Who was set over Daniel and the Hebrew boys?  VS. 11


15. What was the diet Daniel purposed instead of the king’s meat and wine? VS. 12


16. How long was this experiment to last?  VS. 14


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17. What was the results of this experiment? VS. 15 - 16



18. What did God give these four Hebrew boys? VS. 17


19. What was Daniel special gifts? VS. 17



20 Who was the king of the Babylonians when Daniel and the Hebrew boys finished their training? VS. 18

21. The king found the Hebrew boys to be how many times better than all the magicians and astrologists in his realm? VS. 20
























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PART 1.……… Nebuchadnezzar’s  Dream

1. Whet year  did Nebuchadnezzar dream his dream?  VS 1

2. Who did the king call to interpret his dream? VS 2

3. What did the king say unto them? VS 3

4. How did they reply to the king’s dream?  VS. 4

5. Why couldn’t  or wouldn’t the king tell them his dream? VS. 5


6. What would happen to all of them if they could not tell the king the dream? VS. 5

7. What would the magicians, astrologers, sorcerers and Chaldeans receive if they could tell the king the dream? VS. 6


8. Why did the king want them to tell him his dream? VS. 8 - 9


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10. What was their response to the king when they could not tell him the dream?           VS 10 -11

11. How did the king respond to their answer? VS. 12 - 13

PART 2 ……… The dream is revealed to Daniel  

12. Who went to slay all the wise men including Daniel and the Hebrew boys? VS 14


13. What did Daniel do when he heard that the king was going to slay all the wise men of Babylon?  VS. 16 - 18


14. How was the secret revealed to Daniel? VS. 19


15. What did Daniel do when the dream was revealed to him? VS. 20 - 23

16. What did Daniel tell Arioch? VS 24


17. Who did Daniel say was the revealer of all secrets? VS. 28

18. Who did Daniel give credit for the revealing of the king’s dream? VS 29 - 30


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PART 3 ……… The dream

19.  What did the king see in his dream according to Daniel? VS 31 - 35

20. What was  the image made of : VS. 32 - 33
    A. Head……………………………______________________________
    B. breast and arms………………… ___________________________
    C. belly and thighs………………… ___________________________
     D. legs…………………………….. _______________________________
    E. feet …………………………….. _______________________________
21. What happened to the image? VS. 34 - 35

22. What kingdom does each part of the body represents: VS. 37 - 45
    A. Head……………….. _________________________________ VS. 37 - 38
    B. Breast and arms……. _________________________________ 
    C. belly and thighs …… _________________________________
    D. legs ……………….. __________________________________
    E. Feet ……………….. ___________________________________
23. Who or what does the stone cut without hands represent? VS. 35, 44
24. What are the nations representing the feet? VS 41 -43
________________________    _____________________________

________________________    _____________________________

________________________    _____________________________

_________________________    ______________________________

_________________________    ______________________________



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PART 4 ……… Daniel’s Advancement

25. What did the king do when Daniel interpreted his dream?  VS. 46

26. What did he say about Daniel’s God? VS. 47

27. What did he do for Daniel? VS. 48


28. What was the request made by Daniel to the king? VS. 49




____________    ____________    ______________________

____________    ____________    ______________________

____________    ____________    ______________________

____________    ____________    ______________________





































































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Part 1.……..Nebuchadnezzar dedicates a Golden Image

    1. What was the image made of?  VS. 1

    2. How big was the image? VS. 1

    3. Where was the image located? VS. 1
    4. Who was invited to the dedication of the image? VS. 2
    5. What was the decree heralded aloud?  VS. 4 - 5

    6. What would happen to anyone who failed to do what the decree said?  VS. 6


Part 2.……. The Fiery Furnace

    7. Who came near and accused the Jewish boys? VS. 8

    8. Name the Jewish boys  who did not bow to the image. VS. 12

    9. What question did the king ask the Jewish boys? VS. 14

    10. How did the king try to help the Jewish boys from their accusers? VS 15

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    11. What was the Jewish boys response to the king? VS. 16 - 18


    12. What was the king’s response to what the Jewish boys? VS. 19 - 23


    13. How many did the king have thrown in the fiery furnace? VS. 23

    14. Who was the fourth man the king saw walking in the mist of the flames? VS. 25

26. What happened to the Jewish boys while in the fiery furnace?  VS. 27


27. What did the king say when he saw that the Jewish boys were unharmed by the flames?  VS. 28


28. What would happen to anyone who spoke against the God of the Jewish boys? VS. 29




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Chapter 4
“Nebuchadnezzar Praises God”

1. What did Nebuchadnezzar Say about Daniel’s God? VS. 1 - 2

2.. How many times did Nebuchadnezzar refer to himself in verse four and five?

3. In his praise, who did Nebuchadnezzar praise the most? 4: 4

4.  What was the second dream of  Nebuchadnezzar about? 4: 11 - 16

5. Who did Nebuchadnezzar call to interpret the dream? 4: 7

6. Why do you think he told them about his dream?

7. Who finally was able to interpret the dream? 4: 8

8. Who did Nebuchadnezzar  say gave Daniel his ability to interpret  dreams? 4: 9



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.9 Who do you think the watcher was that came down from heaven? 4: 13


10. What did the watcher decree should happen to the tree? 4: 14 - 16

11. Why should the stump remain? 4: 15

12. What should happen to the heart of the “Tree”? 4: 16

13. What did the watcher’s demand  by the word of the holy ones? 4: 17

Daniel interprets the dream

14   Why did Daniel wait for an hour to tell Nebuchadnezzar about the dream?4: 19

15. What did Nebuchadnezzar say to Daniel at the end of that hour?4: 19

16..  Who was the great tree? 4: 22

17. What should happen to him? 


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18. How long should Nebuchadnezzar be like a beast of the field? 4: 23

19. This time was to last until Nebuchadnezzar did what? 34

20. What did Nebuchadnezzar eat for seven years? 4: 25

21. Why didn’t they kill Nebuchadnezzar?

22. What was Daniels advice to Nebuchadnezzar? 4: 27

23. What did Nebuchadnezzar do when he regained his sanity after eating grass for seven years? 4: 37








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1. What king was having the feast? 5: 1

2. What did he do to bring on the HAND WRITING ON THE WALL? 5: 1 - 4

3. What did Belshadazzar see? 5:  5

4. Who did the king as for? 5: 7

5. Who told Belshadazzar about Daniel ? 5: 10

6. Why did the queen think that Daniel could interpret the Hand writing for the king? 
5: 12

7. What did the king offer Daniel if he could read the hand writing on the wall? 5: 16

8. What was Daniel’s reply?  5: 17

9. Who did Daniel remind Belshadazzar of? 4: 18 - 21
10. What was Belshadazzar sin that caused the writing on the wall? 5: 1 - 4; 22 - 23

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11. The writing on the wall:
    A. What is the meaning of: 5:  25 - 28
    1. MENE ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. TEKEL ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    5.  PEREZ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Who became king after Belshadazzar? 5: 31



Chapter 6
“Daniel in the lions den”

1. Daniel became what under king Darius? 6: 1

2. Why were the other presidents jealous of Daniel? 6: 3 4

3. How did the others try to trap Daniel?  6: 5 

4. What did they purpose to King Darius? 6: 7

5. How did Daniel respond to the decree?  6: 10

6. What did Daniel’s accusers do when they found Daniel praying? 6: 12, 13

7. What did the king do after Daniel was accused of praying to his God? 6: 16

8. What did the king do after Daniel was cast into the lion’s den?  6: 18

9. When the king went to the lion’s den, what question did he ask? 6: 20

10. What was Daniel’s response to the king’s question? 6: 21, 22

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11. What did king Darius do to Daniel’s accusers?  6: 24

12. What did the lions do to Daniel’s accusers ? 6: 24

13. What decree did king Darius make concerning Daniel and his God? 6:  26

14. What happened to Daniel after the king his decree? 6: 28





Chapter 7
“Daniel’s Vision of four beasts”

1. When did Daniel have the vision of the four beasts? 7: 1

2. List the four beasts in Daniel’s Vision. 7: 3 - 7
    _____________________________        ______________________________

    _____________________________        ______________________________

    _____________________________        ______________________________

    _____________________________        ______________________________

3.   Chart of  Daniel’s first two visions
Multimetalic Image            Four Beasts        Nations Designated
(Chapter 2)                Chapter 7                    
Head of Gold ……………………… Lion…………………..Babylon

Arms of Silver…………………….., Bear………………….. Medo-Persia

Sides of Brass………………………. Panther (Leopard)……. Graeco- Macedonia
                                Alexander The Great
Legs of Iron…………………………. Composite…………… Rome

Feet of Iron…………………………… Beast                    
And Clay

4.  What were the ten horns of fourth beast? 7: 7

5. Who is the little horn in verse 8? 7: 8

6. Who is the “Ancient of days” ? 7: 9 - 10
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7. Who is described as the  “Son of Man”  in verses 13 - 14? 7: 13, 14

8. Who was the fourth king in verse 19?

9. What were the ten horns of the fourth beast? 7: 20

10. Who or what is the little horn that grew from the beast’s head? 7: 20

11.How long will the horn make war against the saints? VS 21 - 22

12. Who is the fourth beast and what kingdom does it represent? VS. 23

13. Who are the ten horns out of the fourth beast? VS. 24

14. Who do you think the “he”  is verse 24?

15. What will happen to him as a result of him trying to change times and laws? 
VS. 26- 27
16. Why do you think that this vision troubled Daniel? VS. 28



















































































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Chapter 8
Daniel’s vision of the ram and goat

1. When did Daniel have the ram and goat vision? 8: 1

2. Where was Daniel when he had this vision? 8: 2

3. What did Daniel see  at the river? VS. 3

4. Describe what Daniel saw……. VS. 3 - 4

5. Who or what was the he goat described in VS 5 - 8?

6. Who do think the little horn  is that came out of the goat? VS. 9

7. How long will the vision of the daily sacrifice and the transgression of desolation last?
VS. 11 - 14

8. Who was to make Daniel understand the vision? VS. 15, 16

9. Why do you think Gabriel was an angel? VS. 17, 18

10. What was the purpose of Gabriel coming to Daniel? VS. 19
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11. The ram having two horns represented  what Kingdoms? VS. 20

12. Who is the rough goat? VS. 21

13. What were the four kingdoms from the goats head? VS. 22

14. Who are the transgressors  in VS. 23 and who rose up at the end?

15. Who shall he destroy during that time?  VS. 24

16. Who is the Prince of princes?  VS. 25

17. What happened to Daniel after the vision of the ram and coat? VS. 27








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Daniel Chapter 9
“Daniel’s prayer is answered”

1. When was the prayer of Daniel answered?  VS. 1

2. What prophet did Daniel name about the desolation of Jerusalem?  VS. 2

3. How long was the prophesy of Jeremiah to last? VS. 2

4. What did Daniel do when he finally understood Jeremiah’s prophesy? 
VS. 3 - 19

5. Who did Daniel blame for what happened to him?  VS. 3 - 19 

6. Whose law did Daniel say cause their calamity? VS. 13

7. What did Daniel ask the Lord to do ? VS. 16

8. Who was the city of Jerusalem named after? VS. 18

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9. What reason did Daniel give the Lord to forgive the people? VS. 18

10.  What angel touched Daniel at the time of the evening prayer? VS. 21

11. What did Gabriel say to Daniel?  VS. 23

12. What is the seventy weeks spoken by Daniel?  VS. 20 - 27

13. Who is the Messiah spoken by Daniel?  VS. 26











































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“An angel brings a message”

1. What was Daniel’s Babylonian name? VS. 1

2. Who was king when the angel brought Daniel the message? VS. 1
3. How long did Daniel mourn? VS. 2
4. Name the river Daniel was at when the angel brought the message?
 VS. 4
5. Describe the one Daniel saw coming toward him.  VS. 5, 6
    5-1. Who do you think he was? VS. 5 - 7
6. What happened to the people when Daniel the angel? VS. 7
7. In the Bible, what other event was similar to the one in verses 5 - 21.

8. What happened to Daniel when he saw these things? VS. 7- 11

9. What did the one tell Daniel about his prayer? VS. 11 - 12
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10. Who resisted the messenger?  VS. 13

11. Who was prince of the kingdom of Persia? VS. 13

12. Who came to help the messenger? VS. 14

13. How long did it take him to reach Daniel? VS 13

14. Why did Daniel fear the messenger ? Vs 16 - 17

15. How did the messenger relate to Daniel? VS. 19

16. Who shall come after the messenger leaves Daniel? VS. 20











































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Daniel Chapter 11
“Greece will conquer Persia”

1. Who was the king in Verse 1?

2. Who shall they stand up against?  VS. 2

3.  What kingdom  do you think  is the Northern Kingdom _____________
                         Southern Kingdom _____________
                        Western Kingdom ______________
                        Eastern Kingdom _______________
VS. 4 - 45

4. Why isn’t the kingdoms of the east and west mentioned?

5. What was the purpose of the daughter of the South? VS. 6 - 8

6. Did the cities have walls? VS. 15

7. Does the king of the south destroy the king of the North?  VS. 11 - 16
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8.  Who takes over in the place of the king of the south? VS. 20

9. Does he succeed and how long does he last? VS. 20 

10. Who shall take his place and how does get the kingdom? VS. 21

11. Both kings, the north and the south, tried to form a coalition but failed because  it was based on what? VS. 27

12. The king of the north retuned to his own land with what? VS. 28

13. When shall the king of the north return to the kingdom of the south?
VS. 29

14. Why did the king of the north have indignation against the holy covenant?  VS. 30

15. What will he do? VS 31
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16. How shall he corrupt the people against the covenant? VS. 32

17. What will happen to them that understand and instruct the people? 
VS. 33 - 34

18. And the king shall do according to his will until when?  VS. 36
19. Who do you think Daniel is describing in VS. 36 - 45
20. What is being described in Daniel 11: 40 - 45
21. What is the kingdom of the North in Daniel  11: 39
22. What is the kingdom of the east? VS. 44
23. Why isn’t the kingdom of the west mentioned? VS. 40 - 45





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1. Name the angel in VS 1 and what is his major job?

2. Who shall be delivered in Verse 1?

3. What two fates that wait for those who sleep in the dust of the earth? VS. 2

4. Who shall shine as the brightness of the firmament? VS. 3

5. What was Daniel to do with the words in the book?  VS. 4

6. What will happen to mankind during this time? VS. 4

7. Who do you think was the one who stood upon the water? VS. 6
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8. What did the man standing upon the water say? VS. 7

9. Daniel could not understand what was said, so he asked what was the meaning  and he was told what? VS. 8 - 11

10. How long is “there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days” and what does it represent in Bibical prophesy? VS. 11

11. How long is “thousand three hundred and five and thirty days” and what does it represent in Biblical prophesy? VS 12

12. What does the Lord tell Daniel to do? VS. 13





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