Jesus loves you
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As a handshaking and hugging Christian, it is very difficult for me to stay in and away from my family, friends and church family. As I survey this Corona Virus pandemic that has cast us into almost economic collapse driven by fear of the unknown has diffidently changed our outlook about the future. Life is uncertain, we do not know what tomorrow will bring.
I believe God has sent us a wakeup call to get our attention and get our life in order. It seems to me that God’s little creatures shows more love and affection to their children than most humans do. Every morning I wake up to a heavenly choir (our birds) singing praises to God, thanking him for caring for them during the night and bringing a new day. And what do we do…. Complain about our leaders, our veterans and tear down our flag and our country.
GOD BLESS OUR LEADERS, VETERANS, MILITARY, POLICE, FIREFIGHTERS, PARAMEDICS, DOCTORS, NURSES AND NURSING HOME STAFF for putting their lives in danger everyday to help protect us from the unknown.
It’s time, America to return to Godly values, family values and put God back in our lives. We need to stop and pray for our nation
After blessing our nation with the strongest economy and greatest military ever, and all we could do is to complain and be determined to cast out our God and his son, Jesus from everything because we might offend or hurt someone’s feeling.
I’m a firm believer in church attendance because the church building has been dedicated and sanctified as a place of worshipping and singing praises to our Lord, but what has happened, people don’t seem to care. More things are now too important to take time out of our busy schedule and spend a little time with the Lord. Our churches are empty and no one wants to go anymore.
As I watch the news reports, I still see special interests, party politics and fake new every day. Who can you believe? I firmly believe that the only truth is the word of God and that prayers can drive this plague from us, but it takes commitment and not lip service to get God’s attention. IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME WILL HUMBLE THEMSELVES AND RETURN UNTO ME, AND SERVE THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD, God promises that HE WILL POUR OUT A BLESSING UPON THE EARTH.
However, we still have good people who are not ashamed to pray and call out to a loving and forgiving God.
Our future is in our hands, what are we going to do?
May God bless everyone………..
Your loving pastor, Preacher Glenn
Use good common sense…. Stay in and stay safe.